Cerri offers customizable views to meet your needs. All views in Cerri Project can be configured by users.
The views can be customized for filtering, grouping, sorting, and organizing data based on specific criteria. These views can be saved as custom views or exported to Excel, enabling easy access and sharing of information across the organization. Users can also create reports from these views.
Structure of the views
1) Actions bar. The actions specific to the views are listed in this area of the view.
2) Personalized views. Allows users to save settings for their views under a name and make them available again. These settings are user-dependent.
3) Default actions. Includes actions such as Reload View, Show Charts, Expand All, Collapse All, Export Table, and Delete Selected Data.
4) Headings, filters and additional options.
5) Context-sensitive menu. Accessible by right-clicking.
6) Page settings, number of lines per page, number of pages, and pagination.
Show and hide columns
Cerri Project allows users to show and hide columns in a view.
Use the three-dot menu in the column header to access the column menu, and select the Choose Columns option. This opens a list of available column headings, which can be toggled on or off.
To reset the column selection, use the button next to the search field to show all or no columns.
Modify the order of columns in a view
Columns can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the column headings to your desired order.
Defining the sorting order of a view
Click on a column heading to sort its data. Clicking multiple times toggles between ascending and descending orders.
Sorting across multiple columns is also possible.
To do this, click the first column you want to sort. Hold Shift + CTRL and click on the second column you also want to sort.
The following example is sorted by phase and title. You can also see the sorting order by the number next to the sorting arrow.
Filter a view
Filters reduce the data displayed in a view to a manageable amount. Use the filter symbol in the column header to set up a filter for each column in any combination.
Filters can be based on free text or selection criteria. A blue dot on the filter symbol indicates an active filter, which can be removed the same way it was set.
Grouping view elements
Grouping organizes data into hierarchical structures. Access "Group by ..." (the dotted word will depend on the column header) via the three-dot menu in the column heading.
Note: Multiple groupings are possible by selecting the "Group by" option for several columns.
When grouped, numerical values are automatically summarized within each group.
Managing personal views
You can save customized view settings (sort order, grouping, selected columns, column order, etc.) for future use.
It is also possible to save multiple settings for a single view. Once you've customized a view, click the Personalize View bar and select Save.
The following dialog window where you can enter a name for the settings and save it.