Workflow in the Project Database (v8.xx)

Workflow in the Project Database (v8.xx)

There are several Workflows predefined from default implementation you can use.

To perform a workflow you need at least the License Stakeholder (also possible Timesheet, Team Member or Project Manager).

In the ACL you need Access as Author and selected Create / Delete documents.

For more information about workflow she the chapter "Configure Workflows".

  1. Navigation

Already covered in the Portfolio section.

  1. Risks

Geniusproject’s Risk Management module allows organizations to manage obstacles they may anticipate encountering throughout the lifecycle of their projects that can pose a risk to a project’s success.

The ‘Risks’ setup section is used to configure the automation of an organization’s risk management process using their internal terminology and rules. Risk setup includes the configuration of the 'Risk labels' document and the configuration of the risk classification hierarchy.

  1. Risk labels setup

Only one 'Risk labels' document can exist per 'Projects' database.

  1. Matrix tab

Number of levels



Number of likelihood levels

The number of levels available to measure the likelihood of a risk occurring. Range from 3 to 6. Default value is 5.

Number of impact levels

The number of levels available to measure the impact a risk will have on a project. Range from 3 to 6. Default value is 5.

Number of classification levels

The number of levels used to classify a risk. Range from 2 to 4. Default value is 4.

Matrix definition



Matrix The matrix is built according to the number of levels defined for 'Number of likelihood' and 'Number of impact’.

Clicking on a cell of the matrix changes its color, allowing for the definition of the matrix zones. The color changes in cycle each time the cell is clicked.

  1. Labels tab

The values defined on the labels tab are used to describe each of the different levels defined on the matrix tab. The system is setup with default values for each level however, organizations can modify them to better comply with their own processes and terminology.

Likelihood type



Level 1 The label for likelihood level 1. Default value is 'Very low'.

Level 2 The label for likelihood level 2. Default value is 'Low'.

Level 3 The label for likelihood level 3. Default value is 'Medium'.

Level 4 The label for likelihood level 4. Default value is 'High'. Visible only if 'Number of likelihood levels' is at least 4.

Level 5 The label for likelihood level 5. Default value is 'Very high'.

Visible only if 'Number of likelihood levels' is at least 5.

Level 6 The label for likelihood level 6. Default value is 'Highest'. Visible



only if 'Number of likelihood levels' is 6.

Impact type



Level 1 The label for impact level 1. Default value is 'Negligible'.

Level 2 The label for impact level 2. Default value is 'Minor'.

Level 3 The label for impact level 3. Default value is 'Average'.

Level 4 The label for impact level 4. Default value is 'Major'. Visible only if 'Number of impact levels' is at least 4.

Level 5 The label for impact level 5. Default value is 'Critical'. Visible only if 'Number of impact levels' is at least 5.

Level 6 The label for impact level 6. Default value is 'Unacceptable'.

Visible only if 'Number of impact levels' is 6.

Risk classification



Level 1

The label for risk classification level 1. Default value is 'Risk nature'.

Level 2

The label for risk classification level 2. Default value is 'Risk category'.

Level 3

The label for risk classification level 3. Default value is 'Risk source'. Visible only if 'Number of classification levels' is at least 3.

Level 4

The label for risk classification level 4. Default value is 'Activity'. Visible only if 'Number of classification levels' is 4.

Type of risks



Before mitigation The label of the risk values before mitigation. Default value is


After mitigation The label of the risk values after mitigation. Default value is


  1. Risk classification setup

Risk classifications are how risks are categorized in the system. The classifications can be broken down into several levels. The number of levels and their titles are defined in the ‘Risk labels’ documents. The various categories per level are defined as part of the risk classification hierarchy.

To create a category for a risk level:

Open the 'Projects' database.

Navigate to the 'Setup & Administration' module, 'Setup' tab; ‘Risks’ view. Click on the «Create» menu and select the level the new category is for.

To create any level other than the first, you must select one of the categories in a level above it. The new category will then be placed under the selected level in the classification hierarchy

The risk categorization document will open. Each of the levels above it will be listed along with a blank field where the name of the new level should be entered.

Complete the document and save and close it

Repeat these steps for each new category to be created

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