The Activity Table (v10.xx)

The Activity Table (v10.xx)

The left side the activity table contains up to 17 columns.

You can add or hide columns by right-clicking on the column header:

Changes are saved in the browser cache.

The columns are:


Row index. Static and cannot be modified. This column numbers the rows in the table.


Work Breakdown Structure. Automatically calculated by the Planner.


Item's name. Displays the hierarchy of phases, tasks, and deliverables in the plan. All values can be modified except the very first row, the "project name," which is generated automatically when the plan is created and cannot be modified.


Displays external IDs for all assigned resources. To edit the list, double-click the cell to be edited, opening the Item Properties Window window. Assignments can be added, changed, or deleted, updating the list of external IDs displayed.

Note: Resources CANNOT be assigned to a phase, and a task cannot be converted into a phase if it already has assignments.


Item duration. The duration of tasks is editable in the "Duration" column unless the task is completed or canceled. Setting the value to "0" changes a task into a deliverable.

Start Date

Planned start date. Editable in the "Start" column unless the item is in progress, completed, or canceled. The date can also be modified with the small popup calendar on the right of the cell.

End Date

Planned end date. Editable in the "End" column unless the item is completed or canceled. The date can also be modified with the small popup calendar on the right of the cell.

Actual Start Date

The date that work on the item actually began. This value cannot be modified.

Actual End Date

The date the item was marked completed. This value cannot be modified.

Planned Load

Total planned workload for the task, computed as the sum of all assignments. This value cannot be modified.

Actual Load

Sum of all actual assignments to individuals in the Planned column of the [Resources] tab.

Remaining Load

Difference between Planned and Actual.


The Estimated at Completion (EAC) load is the sum of all individual EAC loads from the EAC column of the [Resources] tab.

Delta Load

Difference between Actual and Planned.


Shows dependencies between items, with row numbers and dependency type (FF, FS, SF, SS; F=Finish; S=Start)


Priority of the item, adjustable within the column through the dropdown.


Status of the item, adjustable within the column through a dropdown.

The placement of newly created or pasted items is determined by the currently selected row in the item table. These items will appear directly after the last selected row, adopting its indentation level. When pasting a group of items that includes phases, their indentation levels will adjust accordingly. If no row is selected, the created or pasted items will be appended at the end of the list, set to the first indentation level.

If an item needs to be moved within the plan hierarchy, you can use the "Indent," "Outdent," "Move Up," and "Move Down" actions.

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