Task Details

Task Details

An overview of the task card’s General tab.

  • From navigation menu go to: Task > My tasks

  • Click on a task to open its task card

  • The task card will automatically open to its General tab

  • Under Description click on Enter a description to add a task description (as long as needed) with font formatting options

  • Simply click outside of the Description dialogue box to save your changes

  • Click on Add a comment to enter a comment then press Send to confirm it

  • Click on the blue attachment icon to attach a file to the task

  • At the bottom of the card appears a log of all previous task activity with date, time and person responsible

  • On the right side of the card you can view (and edit depending on permissions) the Status, Start/End dates, Priority, Owner, Project, Reported time, Planned effort and Assignees of the task as well as the Phase, WBS and dependency if applicable.

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