Social Collaboration (v8.xx)

Social Collaboration (v8.xx)

Genius Live!’s navigation is very intuitive. All navigation elements are displayed in a single pane listing the communication stream for all of the different types of messages.

It is possible to filter the list of messages using the options at the top of the Genius Live! social collaboration window pane; they are described below:

Filter by message type

Display comments (notes) and questions Display notifications

Displays alerts

Displays actions requests

To select any one of the elements simply click on the icon:

is equal to

If none of the options are selected Geniusproject behaves as if all of them are selected

Filter "Unread"

"Unread" displays unread documents only

"All" displays all read and unread messages


Displays all messages create within the last 24hrs

Displays all messages created within the last 48 hours

Displays all of the messages created within the last 7 days

Displays the complete history of all messages

It is possible to combine the different filters as you like. Next to the type icons, there are two other icons available:

  • To refresh the list of elements displayed in Genius Live!.

  • If any new messages have been sent since the last time the Genius Live! window was refreshed, a red square with a number in it will display; the number corresponding to the number of new messages.

Messages are displayed in the message window in the order they were received with the most recent at the top.

  1. Genius Live! Message Format

Genius Live!’s messages use "current" language to ensure easy interpretation by the user. All messages follow the same formatting per type. All blue text is either an active link or an action.

  1. Notifications

A notification is most commonly used to inform users of an action that has taken place i.e. a request has been cancelled or a new document has been created and assigned to you.

  • The avatar photo for the person who sent the message. Their name will appear, hovering the mouse over.

  • The type of record the message applies to – in the example above it is a Deliverable. The title of the record in question – in this example "To be deleted".

  • The action that triggered the message – in this example "Cancelled".

  • The person who performed the action triggering the message – in this example it is "John Carpenter".

  • The name of the project the record belongs to "My first project".

  • The date the message was sent appears in the top right hand corner. The icon representing the message type appears at the top right.

  1. Marking a notification as "Read"

It is possible to mark a document as "read" and remove it from the Genius Live! view. When hovering the mouse over the date, it turns into an action, which can be clicked to initiate.

  1. Critical Alerts

  • The avatar photo for the person who sent the message. Their name will appear, hovering the mouse over.

  • The type of alert "EAC Cost is over budget".

  • The project manager – "John Carpenter" in the example above.

  • The name of the project the alert applies to - "Video security system" in the example above.

  • The date of the message at the top right.

  • The icon representing the message type at the top right next to the date. "Warning" to catch the reader’s attention.

  1. Marking an alert "Read"

It is possible to mark an alert as "read" and remove it from the Genius Live! view. When hovering the mouse over the date, it turns into an action which can be clicked to initiate.

  1. Workflow actions

"Actions" are workflow driven actions that the user needs to take i.e. deny, review, approve etc...

  • The avatar photo for the person who sent the message. Their name will appear, hovering the mouse over.

  • The type of record the action applies to – "Contract" in the message above.

  • The title of the document the message is referring to - "New Network contract" in the example above.

  • The current status of the record will be displayed - "To approve" in the example above. The name of the project the record belongs to.

  • The date of the message at the top right hand corner.

  • The icon representing the message type at the top right next to the date.

  • If there are any actions for the user to take on the document, they will be displayed below the message. In the example above the user can either select "Approved" or "Denied".

The user can easily change the document status, as per the workflow, simply by clicking on one of the available actions at the bottom of the message. A dialog box will open to confirm the action and if the workflow permits, the possibility to specify who the document is now assigned to and to include comments.

Note: It is not possible to mark a workflow action as "Read".

  1. Approving timesheets and expense reports

The avatar photo for the person who sent the message. Their name will appear, hovering the mouse over.

  • The type of request; either approval of timesheet or expense report.

  • The resource who has submitted the request for approval - "John Carpenter" in the example above.

  • The total number of hours reported in the timesheet - "0 hours" in the example above.

  • The number of the week the timesheet is for – 27 in the example above. By clicking on the week number you can access the timesheet itself.

  • The date of the message at the top right hand corner.

  • The icon representing the message type at the top right, next to the date.

  • At the bottom of the message are the action buttons to either approve or deny the timesheet or expense report.

If the user decides to reject the timesheet or expense report, a dialog box will open where they can enter their reasons for refusing.

In the case of a timesheet, if it has been accepted, a dialog box will open to confirm the approval.

Note: It is not possible to mark a timesheet or expense report approval request at "Read".

  1. Notifications for refused timesheets or expense reports

  • The avatar photo for the person who sent the message. Their name will appear, hovering the mouse over.

  • The refusal message including the number of hours or total costs that were submitted, followed by the week number the sheet refers to. By clicking the week number you can access the sheet itself.

  • The date of the message at the top right hand corner.

  • The icon representing the message type at the top right, next to the date. The reason for the refusal - "No entry for Friday" in the example above.

  1. Marking an alert as "Read"

It is possible to mark an alert as "read" and remove it from the Genius Live! view. When hovering the mouse over the date, it turns into an action which can be clicked to initiate.

  1. Discussions & comments

Comments are created directly from the records (documents), but they are broadcast in Genius Live!. You can respond and interact directly from Genius Live!.

See the chapter "Project team collabortation" for more information on creating discussions.

The display format of discussion messages is a bit different since it is essentially a regrouping of multiple message documents.

We can identify the header of the discussion with:

  • The avatar photo for the person who initiated the discussion.

  • The subject of the discussion - "Please inform the client" in the example above.

  • The name of the person the discussion has been initiated with - "Maxime Villeger" in the example above.

  • The project the discussion applies to - "PPM Development" in the example above.

  • The title of the record (document) the discussion refers to. Empty if the discussion refers to the project as a whole.

  • The date of the message in the in the top right hand corner.

  • The icon representing the message type at the top right next to the date.

The message string of the discussion, including all associated responses, appears in a light gray shaded box. Each response has the same format:

The avatar photo for the person who created the message. The comment.

The date of the comment in the top right hand corner.

It is possible that a discussion has a high number of comments. In this case, Genius Live! will only display the first and last discussion comments. It is possible to expand the view to see all comments by clicking "show the  comments".

And it can be collapsed by clicking "collapse the discussion".

Genius Live! only displays the first 10 words of each comment. In the event that a comment is very long, a user can pass their mouse cursor over the date and click "Expand the comment" to see the rest of the comment.

  1. Marking a discussion as "Read"

It is possible to mark a discussion as read and remove it entirely from the Genius Live!. When hovering the mouse cursor over the date it turns into an action which you can confirm simply by clicking on it

  1. A comments to a discussion

We can only add a comment after the last comment. Simply move the mouse cursor over the date of the last comment; the word "Reply" appears.

Click on the reply button and a space will appear to add the new comment to the discussion.

Confirm the addition of this new comment by clicking "Reply" or disregard it by clicking "Cancel".

  1. Answering a reply request

It is possible to format a comment so that it is actually a request for a response. To do so, simply specify one or more recipients and a response by date. As a result, Geniusproject will interpret the comment as "request for response", and not as a discussion.

In Geniusproject, requests for responses are displayed with the same format as discussions however

the final comment in the string includes the following three actions:

  • Approve, as a positive response. Deny, as a negative response. Ignore, no response.

NoteTake note of the small sign at the top right hand corner of the message

. This sign indicates the importance level of the message and can be set by the initiator of the conversation.

  1. Your Personal Genius Live! Stream

Genius Live! is the central location where all of a user’s collaborations on different projects will appear. Users can interact directly from the Genius Live! screen to ensure the execution of processes and flow of information.

  1. Accessing the Genius Live! stream from a project

The [Genius Live!] tab in the Project Description is the central location for all actions and collaboration regarding that specific project. It is the life of the project.

  1. Accessing the Genius Live! Stream From a Record (Document)

The [Genius Live!] tab in the document is the central location for all actions and collaboration regarding that specific record (document). It’s the life of the document.

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