Sending an Email from Genius Project (v8.xx)

Sending an Email from Genius Project (v8.xx)

In the [Create] menu of any Geniusproject view select the option [Create->E-mail].

The "Document Creation" dialog box will open where you can select the Project and Phase the new issue applies to.

Click [OK] to validate the selections and the email form will open.

Enter the email title.

Select addressees (To, Cc and Bcc) in Geniusproject resources, using the resource selection widget.

Add external people in the addressees list, by clicking on the button. A widget appears to enter external people email address. Validate you entre pressing .

You can repeat this operation as many time as you want to add as many external addressees as you want.

The list of addressees is now displayed:

Enter your email text in the "Contents" field.

Attach files to your email as to any other Geniusproject record(form).

Select the [Send] option from the action menu bar to send your email, or the option [Save as draft] to save it without sending it.

This is how an email sent from Geniusproject looks like, in this instance in Google’s GMail:

  1. The E-mail header

Project Name

The project title, in the example above – "AAGlobal Infrastructure Deployment".


The phase of the project that the e-mail belongs to.

Project leader

Name of the project leader. By default will always be the creator of the new project.


The author (sender) of the email.


List of recipients.


List of Cc recipients.


List of Bcc recipients.

  1. The email [Contents] tab

Geniusproject emailing function will send via email the body of the "Contents" rich text field, as well all attached files.

  1. The email "Link" tabs, the email thread

Displays the full email conversation

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