Searching in Genius Project (v8.xx)

Searching in Genius Project (v8.xx)

Users can perform two types of searches in Geniusproject; one is a simple key word search and the other can include multiple searching criteria.

Users can enter keywords or phrases into the search box at the top right hand corner of the screen.

To execute a keyword search:

Enter the keyword or phrase in the search field.

Click on the search icon or hit "Enter" to initiate the search. The results will be displayed in the content screen.

Once the results are displayed user scan refine their search even further by defining even more criteria. See here after "Advanced multi-criteria search".

Note: Keyword searches are "full text" searches, the engine will search for the keyword or phrase in all of the data as well as all attached documents.

If a user clicks on the search icon  without specifying a word or phrase to search for, the search definition screen will open automatically on the page. Once this window opens the contextual navigation menu on the left becomes specific for searching.

Geniusproject allows users to save searches to be used whenever needed. The contextual navigation menu allows users to define new searches or to use existing ones.

Click on "New Search" in the contextual navigation menu to define the new searches parameters.

Click on "Saved searches" in the contextual navigation menu to see the list of pre-defined searches and click on the one you would like to execute.

In fact the only difference between using a new search versus a pre-defined search is that with a new search all of the criteria fields are empty.

Define the search criteria and the search results will correspond to the combination of criteria defined.


Text search

Enter a word or phrase to search for.


Choose one or more projects. The system will only search through the specified projects.

Creation/ modification

If you perform a search based on time criterion, you can search for data created or modified on or between a specific date range. The dates are defined in the fields that follow.

From ... to…

Where to define a date range for a search. Geniusproject will search for documents that were created or modified between the specified dates. Leave the start date empty to perform a search "since the beginning" or leave the end date blank to search for documents created up until now.

Project Manager

Select one or multiple project managers. The system will search only projects where the specified resources are the project manager.

Project type

Select one or multiple project types. The system will only search in project of the types.


Select one or multiple customer names. The system will only search in projects related to the specified customers.

Document type

Choose one or multiple document types. The system will only search documents of the specified type.


The system will only search for documents where the specified resource is the author.

Classificatio n tab

Refers to the classification fields found in the project description document. Select one or multiple classification criteria and the system will only search documents meeting these criteria.

Results tab

Displays the search results.

The action "Launch the search" will execute the search displaying the results will appears in the "Results" window.

You can refine your search as many times as you would like simply by modifying the criteria and executing it once again.

You can save a search and all of its specific criteria by clicking the "Save" action.

Genius will ask you to assign your search a name and it is this name that will appear in the list of available pre-defined searches found in the contextual navigation menu for searches.

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