Searching for an Available Resource (v8.xx)

Searching for an Available Resource (v8.xx)

It possible to perform a resource search in Geniusproject based on different criteria: 

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Workload by resource" from the contextual navigation menu on the left, under the "Resource utilization" section.

  • Click "Availability" on the action menu bar and select "Search definition".

A dialog box will open to define the search criteria.


Select which company the resource should be part of. Blank means any.


The type of resource to search for; multiple can be selected

Blank means any.


Location of the resource to search for ; multiple can be selected Blank means any.

Resource’ s Profile


Skills of the resource being searched for ; multiple can be selected

Blank means any.

Cost center

Cost center for the resources being searched ; multiple can be selected

Blank means any.

Team leader

The team the resource being searched for must belong to ; multiple can be selected

Blank means any.


The department the resource being searched for should belong to

Blank means any.

Availabilit y


Date to begin the availability search from


Date to end the availability search at


Select percentage if looking for a percentage of availability. Select unit if you are looking for a certain number of hours or days.


Select Average if you are looking for an average availability across the period.

Select Minimum if you are looking for not less than a certain amount of availability over the period.

Update availability

"Yes" means, you will start an availability calculation update before running the search. This can take a few times.

Include the generic resources

"Yes" if you want the system to consider generic resources in the search result.

Descriptio n


Any necessary additional comments

Click on "OK" to execute the searching.

The system will display the list of resources corresponding to the specified criteria.

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