Resources Administration (v8.xx)

Resources Administration (v8.xx)

The resources administration consists of the creation of new resources (users), companies and groups, and in their update when necessary.

One Resource document is necessary for each user of the application. A resource may be created even if there is no corresponding user, for example, to represent a generic resource (customer, project leader, developer, etc.) in a project template. The resource document allows one to specify the resource license, type, rates and distribution profile (among other things). It is in the 'Resources' database where the match is done between the bought and used licenses (see Licenses information).

Geniusproject can also manage 'generic resources'. They are virtual resources that allow for a better management of project templates and long term planning. See the 'Resource management' principles for more information about generic resources.

The Company document allows one to group resources by company and to define default rates for a company location. If company rates are to be used, do not forget to create companies before creating resources, and then the corresponding Rates setup document. The company locations are also used to limit the scope of Public holidays.

For On-premise version, the Group document allows one to define the company Directory groups usable for document distribution and access rights. This is especially useful when the company's Directory contains a lot of groups.

Since Geniusproject is a multi-database system, all resources (resources, companies and groups) are published from the 'Resources' database into the other databases through the resource's destinations.

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