Resources Administration (v10.xx)

Resources Administration (v10.xx)

The resources administration consists of the creation of new resources (users), companies, and groups, and updating them as needed.

One Resource document is necessary for each user of the application. A resource may be created even if there is no corresponding user, for example, to represent a generic resource (customer, project leader, developer, etc.) in a project template. The resource document allows specifying the resource license, type, rates, and distribution profile (among other things). It is in the 'Resources' database where the match is done between the purchased and used licenses (see Licenses information).

Cerri Project can also manage 'generic resources', which are virtual resources that allow for better management of project templates and long-term planning. See the 'Resource management' principles for more information about generic resources.

The Company document allows grouping resources by company and defining default rates for a company location. If company rates are to be used, ensure companies and the corresponding Rates setup documents are created before creating resources. Company locations are also used to limit the scope of public holidays.

For the On-premise version, the Group document allows defining the company Directory groups usable for document distribution and access rights. This is especially useful when the company's Directory contains many groups.

Since Cerri Project is a multi-database system, all resources (resources, companies, and groups) are published from the 'Resources' database into the other databases through the resource's destinations.

Updating the Rates of the Resources

If the rates in Rates setup documents are modified, it is possible to update the rates directly in all Resource documents:

  1. Ensure the 'Rates' setup documents are up-to-date.
  2. Go to the 'General' setup view of the 'Resources' database.
  3. Click the Actions menu and select Update the resources rates.

The Resource documents are updated only if the 'Import the rates' parameter is enabled.

Once updated, resources must be published in the destination databases if needed.

Resources Bulk Edit

To facilitate updating existing resources, multiple resources can be modified simultaneously directly from the 'All' views menu under the 'Resources' tab.

The Destinations field is one example and is described in the Publishing section.

Some key data, for resources only, can be changed directly from the views, through the Actions menu --> Modify the resources: 

  1. Go to the Resources tab and choose any of the views.
  2. Select the resources to process in the view.
  3. Click the Actions menu and select Modify the resources... 

  1. In the following dialog box, select the field you want to modify. Then select the value and click Save.


Creating a Generic Resource Automatically

To create generic resources based on the resource types defined in the General setup document of the 'Resources' database. To do so:

  1. Go to the Setup & Administration module of the Resources database, Setup tab, 'General' view.
  2. Edit the General setup document.
  3. Change the value of Create the generic resources from the defined resource types? to Yes.
  4. Select the destination databases where to publish the generic resources in the Publish in databases? field.
  5. Save and close the document.
For each resource type, one generic resource is created and automatically published in all the selected destination databases.
  1. The name of the generic resource is computed as: %[ResourceType]_1.
  2. The external ID is generated by removing spaces from the resource's name and keeping the six first letters (adding letters as needed for uniqueness).

Publishing Resources

All resources (Resource, Company, and Group documents) must be published in the destination databases to access and use them.

1. Important Note: Each time a Resource, Company, or Group document is saved, it is automatically published in the listed destination databases.

2. Important Note: 'Timesheets' databases can be selected as a destination in Company and Group documents but are not published there since they are not used in 'Timesheets.' 

To publish resources from a view:
  • Go to the Resources tab and select the relevant view.
  • Select the resources to publish in the view.
  • Click on the Update the destinations menu .
  • In the dialog box, select the destination databases where to update the resources. The list of databases where resources can be published comes from the Portfolio database.
  • The Destinations field of the document must include the selected database for the resource to be published there. Example: If a resource has only 'Projects' in the Destinations field and 'Timesheets' is selected for update, no action will occur.
  • Click OK.
If the resource exists in the destination database, it is updated. If not, it is created.

Destinations cannot be added or removed from the view and the view and must be updated directly in the document.

Renaming a Resource 

To manage changes in a resource's Lotus Notes username: 

  1. Edit the relevant 'Resource' document.
  2. Click the Actions menu and select Resource Rename.

  1. In the dialog box, input the required changes (see table below).

  1. Click Update.

The resource's name is updated in all the destinations databases of the resource, including the 'Resource' document in the 'Resources' database where the action was done. The plans (Gantt) in the 'Projects' modules.

New first name

The resource's updated first name.

New last name

The resource's updated last name.

New initial

The resource's updated initial.

New email address

If required, the resource's updated email address.

New external ID

If required, the resources's updated external ID.

New user name

The resource's updated username. The common name part is computed based on the other fields. 

Note: This operation may take time, depending on the number of destination databases and documents. It scans all fields in each document (except 'Timesheets') to ensure the name is updated everywhere.

Replacing a Resource

To replace a resource in one or more databases:

  • Edit the relevant 'Resource' document.
  • Click the Actions menu and select Replace resource.

  1. In the dialog box, select the database where to replace the resource, and the resource with which to replace it. See table below.

Resource to replace

The database name. Single-selection field. Mandatory.

Within the database

The resource to be replaced. Retrieved from the resource document. Not editable.

Replace with

The new resources from the 'Resources' database.

  • Click Update.
The resource is replaced in the selected destination databases of the resource. If it is a Projects database, including the project's Gantt plans.

Changing the Resource/User Password

To change a password:

  1. Navigate to the resource view
  2. Click Personal profile (displayed as your name) and select My profile.
  3. Edit the relevant 'Resource' document.
  4. Click on the Action menu and select Change the password.

  1. In the dialog box, enter the new password.

  • Confirm the password in the Password Confirmation field. 
  • Click Save
Cerri Project calculates the security score for the new password. A higher percentage indicates greater security. Password's should be alphanumeric, combining upper and lower case characters for better security.

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