

View, search and export your entire list of time entries to date

  • From navigation menu go to: Timesheet > Reports

  • View a list of all your time entries to date by Date, Year, Month, Project, Task, Time spent, Comment and Status

  • Click on the All time ⋎ icon to view entries from All time, Today, Yesterday, This year or This month

  • Click the Filter icon on the top right in order to Search an entry by Task name or filter entries by: Year, Month, Project and Status

  • Click on X Clear filters button on the right in order to clear all filters

  • Click the Group icon on the top right in order to group entries by: Name, Year, Month, Project, Task and Status

  • Click on X icon beside the name of the Group type selected that appears above your entry list in order to clear any grouping

  • Click on the 3 vertical dots icon in order to export an entry list in CSV or Excel (.xlsx or .xml) format