Replace a Resource (v8.xx)

Replace a Resource (v8.xx)

This function is used to manage the situation when a resource must be replaced with another in one

specific databases.

  • Edit the concerned 'Resource' document.

  • Click on the menu [Actions > Replace the existing resource].

  • In the dialog box, select the database where to replace the resource, and the resource which to replace it with. See table below.

Resource to replace

The name of the database in which to replace the resource. Single- selection field. Mandatory.

Within the database

The resource who will be replaced. Retrieved from the resource document. Not editable.

Replace with

The list of resources defined in the 'Resources' database.

  • Click the [OK] button.

  • The resource is replaced in the selected destination databases of the resource. If it is a 'Projects' database, then the plan’s (Gantt) is also updated.

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