Rename a Resource (v8.xx)

Rename a Resource (v8.xx)

This function is used to manage the situation when a resource Lotus Notes username is changed for one reason or another.

  • Edit the concerned 'Resource' document.

  • Click on the menu [Actions > Resource Rename].

    • In the dialog box, input the required changes. See table below.

    • Click the [OK] button.

    • Publishing the Resource to all database.

The resource's name is updated in all the destinations databases of the resource, including all old Time details.

New first name

If required, the new first name of the resource.


last name

If required, the new last name of the resource.



If required, the new initial of the resource.


email address

If required, the new email address of the resource.


external ID

If required, the new external ID of the resource.


user name

The new username of the resource. The common name part is computed based on the other fields.

Note: This operation can be rather long, depending on the number of destination databases and the number of documents in each database. Indeed, the action scans each field in each document of all databases (with th

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