Promote (Convert) a Project Request into a Project (v10.xx)

Promote (Convert) a Project Request into a Project (v10.xx)

Once a project request has gone through the defined approval/revision workflow, it can be promoted from its approved state into a new project.

The project request workflow defines who has the authority to promote a request to a project and from which status a promotion can occur.

To promote an approved project request to a project:

  • Click on [three-dots - ellipsis] then Actions and select "Promote into project".

Since Cerri Project allows for the management of multiple project environments, users will be prompted to select the appropriate database when promoting a request. 
  • Select the correct "Projects" database.

Note:       If there is only one database, the default value of "Projects" will be correct.

  • Next, specify whether to use a template for the new project. 

  • If no template is being used, leave the field blank and click OK.

Cerri Project will automatically launch the project description document for the newly created project.

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