Project Filter (v8.xx)

Project Filter (v8.xx)

By default Geniusproject is in "multi-project" mode, displaying all of the information in the selected view related to all of the projects that a user has access to. However, users can filter the contents of a view down to a single project or to a list of projects based on specified criteria by using the features on the "Project Filter Bar".

  1. Filter down to as single Project

It is possible to work in "mono-project" mode by filtering down to a single project. As a result all views will only display information pertaining to the specified project.

Enter the desired project’s name in the filter field. The search assistance will automatically display all project names containing the same characters. Select your project from the list.

Geniusproject will automatically revert to "mono project" mode and the filter field will display the name of the active or selected project.

Deselect all check boxes and click on the "Apply" to once again display all of the projects. Otherwise click on and select "All projects"

Note: The options on the module menu bar and contextual navigation menu may be different in mono and multi projects mode.

  1. Creating a new Project Filter

Users can define their own personal filters to be used whenever needed. To create a new filter, click on the drop down link.

The list displays all of the projects the user has access to. Add or remove projects from the list using the check boxes.

Enter the new filter’s name in the field in dialog box and save it for future/ repeated use.

A second type of filter is one based on specific criteria.

One by one define the selection criteria, for example the project type is equal to "Marketing".

Click "Apply" to add each new selection criteria.

The completed list is the defined criteria for the filter. Only projects matching all of the criteria will be included in the filter results.

Enter the new filter’s name in the field in the dialog box and save it for future/ repeated use.

After saving the selection of filtered project will persist, until the Filter will modified or saved again. The selected Projects will not updated by the filter.

Once the new filter has been saved it will appear in the list of available filters. The active filter will always be displayed.

To change the filter simply click on the drop down list and select the desired one.

  1. Erase or modify a personal filter

Each user can update or erase its personal filters. To do so, click on the icon drop down link and select the pencil.

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