Progress / Time

Progress / Time

Add time to a task and access your task progress dashboard.

  • From navigation menu go to: Task > My tasks

  • Click on a task to open its task card

  • Click Add time under your avatar at the bottom right corner to log in time for the task

  • On the popup:
    – View Planned, Actual and Remaining time
    – Enter the date you want to add time for and the amount
    – Optionally Add a comment to your time entry

  • Click Save to confirm and save your time entry

  • The time entry will automatically reflected under your avatar on the task card

  • Go to the Progress tab of your task card

  • The task progress dashboard displayed allows you to see:- Percentage of Hours completed
    – Percentage of Work completed
    – Initial, Planned, EAC, Actual reported and Remaining data for:

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