Manage and Review a Project Request (v10.xx)

Manage and Review a Project Request (v10.xx)

Depending on the workflow definition, each project request will follow a review and approval process. Different views are available to track project requests, such as the "All" view, designed to track the status of the requests.

To change the status of a request that is assigned to you:

Open the project request in edit mode.
Click on the action "Workflow" to change the status.

Select the new status from the dropdown menu that appears. Depending on the workflow definition, you may be required to add a comment in the dialog box. The workflow may also require you to either approve or reject the document before it advances to the next status.

Note:       Depending on the workflow definition set by the application administrator, users may be notified by email when they are assigned to a project request.

Note: Refer to "Workflow Definition" in the ADMIN guide to learn how to change the Project Request approval workflow definition.

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