Learn to navigate your Scheduler and schedule your tasks
From navigation menu go to: Task > Scheduler
The oblongs under the days of the week highlight due dates:
– Green oblongs indicate the number of tasks you have due on that day
– Blue oblongs indicate the number of deliverables you have due on that day
Click on an oblong to see a list of the task(s)/deliverable(s) due on that day as well as the people responsible for them
To schedule in a task:
– Click on the Task app icon at the top right corner beside your avatar in order to open a column to view and search your current task list
– Click on the desired task from your task list then drag and drop it into the date/time slot you plan to work on it
To schedule in a new task that hasn’t yet been created:
– Click on the desired date/time slot
– In the popup, Enter task name then optionally assign it to a project and confirm the time frame you wish to schedule the task for
– Click Save to confirm the scheduling
Increase/Decrease the amount of time scheduled for a task by vertically extending or reducing its slot card to
Modify the time slot scheduled for a task by dragging and dropping the task’s time slot to a new desired slot