

Create and define resource types & rates, skills and costs & expenses you wish to account for in your resource and project management

  • From navigation menu go to: Settings icon > Company settings > Resource types and rates

  • Click on New resource type and rate to add a resource type; enter a name, a cost rate and a billable rate, then click Add to create it

  • Hover over a resource type then click on the pencil icon to edit a resource type’s name, cost rate and/or billable rate; or the bin icon to delete it

  • Click Save to save your changes

  • Go to: Company settings > Skills

  • Click on New skill to add a skill, enter a name then click Add to create it

  • Go to: Company settings > Costs and Expenses

  • Hover over an cost/expense type then click on the pencil icon to edit its name; or the bin icon to delete it

  • Click Save to save your changes