How Genius Integrates Your Existing Documents Typology and Formats (v8.xx)

How Genius Integrates Your Existing Documents Typology and Formats (v8.xx)

Geniusproject fits your requirements and vocabulary. Although most documents are common to all types of projects, the majority of organizations have some type of customized documents relating specifically to their business or projects; for instance, an architect will have "construction plans" and IT developers will have "Software requirements". This is why Geniusproject allows you to define and extend document typology. You can define unlimited document types.

Unlimited number of document types defined via easy keyword setup.

Geniusproject provides self definable and customizable document templates and helps structure the information. All data is presented in the same format regardless of who created it. This results in consistency of all edited documents and all distributed information, internally as well as externally. With a central place to create and store documents, it becomes easy to know where to go when you need to create another one. Consistency also brings about re-usability of material, and when new Team members are assigned, the learning curve can be greatly reduced.

In Geniusproject we distinguish between two types of documents; standard documents such as tasks, risks, deliverables etc. they are predefined in the system; and generic documents which are setup by the application administrator.

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