Manage your project phases, tasks and deliverables in a Gantt diagram.
From navigation menu go to: Project > Waterfall projects
Click on the desired project name to open it
Click on the Gantt icon at the top to view the project as a Gantt diagram
Click on the Add item button at the top left to create a new task
Enter a task name in the new entry that appears and optionally define start/end dates
Select Auto link to create a new task that is automatically linked to the previous task
Click on the Add item button at the top left to create a new phase
Click on the Add deliverable button at the top left to create a new milestone
Enter a deliverable name in the new entry that appears and optionally define start/end dates
Drag and drop tasks/deliverables from the list to change their order
Select tasks you wish to group in a phase then click on the Indent phase button to assign them to the phase above them in the list
Click on the Add link button to create a dependency then click on the desired first task and drag the arrow that appears to the dependent task
Click on the Save icon in the top left corner to save all your changes