Excel Report Templates (v8.xx)

Excel Report Templates (v8.xx)

Convert any Genius Project view into a Microsoft Excel report or chart. Create your reports layouts only once, store them in the template repository and use them at will.

Take advantage of advanced features in Microsoft Excel such as Pivot Tables, conditional styling, and drill-down to analyze project data avoiding any purchase of specialized OLAP tools. Genius Project contains a set of predefined report templates, which can be updated and extended to fit your organization reporting requirements.

To create Microsoft® Excel exports templates, navigate to the [Templates] tab of the Setup and Administration module for the any database.

Click «New template» on the action menu bar and select [Excel Report]; the form to define the template parameters will open.

  1. Template tab

In Excel: Add column names to the template and put a '~' in each cell of the second row. In Genius: Project Create a new setup document for the new Excel report.

Fill in the 'Name' and 'Description' and Select the Microsoft® Excel file to use in the 'Template' fields

Select the view that will be exported.



Template name

The name for the new template being defined. Mandatory.


The file name of the Microsoft® Excel template being used. It can either be a file or a template. This is a single selection field.


A detailed description of the template.



Name of the views for which The title of the views linked to the template. This is a multiple this template will be available selection field.

It displays the list of all the available views where data can be exported into the Microsoft® Excel template.

Name of the forms where the The form in which the charts of the template can be directly charts of this template will be displayed. By default, there is only one available form, 'Results stored form|swResultForm'.

  1. Fields mapping tab

Next step is to define the “mapping”, which Genius Project views column will be pushed to which Excel template column.

The fields specified in this section are used to export specific information to Excel for each record in the view or from the selected documents based on the selected option.



GP - fields name / formula The names of the columns in the view defined in the 'View name'

field above. If the template is linked to several views, a dialog box will open allowing the user to specify which view to select the



fields from. This field works together with the field 'MS Excel template - Upper cells' described below.

A dialog box is displayed to select the set of required columns from the list of available columns. For columns without a label (categorized column, icon, etc.) a number is used and can be found in the Office templates administration document. This field is a multiple selection field.

It is also possible to enter free text, following these rules:

If the expression starts with '@', it is interpreted as a Lotus Notes formula (see the 'Lotus Domino Designer Help' for more information). The button displays the formula window that allows for easier input, and offers syntax checking.

If the expression starts with 'COL->', it is interpreted as a view’s column.

Otherwise, the expression is interpreted as a field name from the extracted document.

MS Excel template - Upper The name of cells in the Microsoft® Excel template. Allows for the cells selection of a field (named cell) from the attached Microsoft®

Excel template that the GP field/ column should map to

Once the pairing is done between the view and the Microsoft® Excel template, the icon allows it to be added to the list below.

The icon allows for the removal of pairs that are checked from the list.

Single selection field.

A list of separator entries that are used to separate multiple

Separator values when transferred to Excel. 'NL' is a new line separator applied within the cell while 'NR' is a new row and will separate

multiple values in multiple rows in Excel.

  1. Save Charts tab

Up to three charts can be saved directly into the documents.



Save the chart Visible only if the field 'Name of the forms where the charts of this template will be stored', on the ‘template’ tab, is not empty.

Allows for the selection of the chart to save. The list of charts



comes from the attached Microsoft® Excel template. Single selection field.

as Visible only if the field 'Name of the forms where the charts of this template will be stored', on the ‘Template’ tab, is not empty.

To select the format in which the chart will be saved. Possible formats are:

WMF (Windows Metafile).

GIF (Compuserve Graphic Interchange Format).

into field Visible only if the field 'Name of the forms where the charts of this template will be stored', on the ‘Template’ tab, is not empty.

Allows for the selection of the field where to save the chart. The default form has three fields to hold the charts, 'Chart_1',

'Chart_2' and 'Chart_3'.

  1. Export options tab



Report page setup Define the format for the columns in the generated Microsoft® Excel report. Possible values:

Adjusted display: allows for the columns to be automatically adjusted to fit the contents.

Fixed display: the column width is kept as it is in the attached Microsoft® Excel template.

This is a single selection field.

Color of alternative rows To improve the readability of the generated report, it is possible

to alternate the background color of rows. Possible values are: none

Gray Cream

Light blue Light green Lavender

This is a single selection field.

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