Documents (v8.xx)

Documents (v8.xx)

All document management features are available in project templates, but the way to use them is slightly different. Any kind of document can be created in a project template: standard Geniusproject documents, other documents, either from a template or using 'Generic' documents associated with a 'Type.' The most important thing to remember when using documents in 'Project Templates' is to use 'generic' instead of 'named' resources. This applies to the following cases:

For document of all types:

  • Document properties [Distribution]. Document properties [Reply request].

  • Document properties [Security] : it is recommended to set the ‘Author’ of the document to the ‘Project Leader’ generic resource;

Risks: assign the tasks of the mitigation plan to generic resources. Cost: select the ‘Requester’ among the generic resources.

To Do: select the ‘Assigned to’ resource among the generic resources.

Task: when created manually, that is, not generated by a plan synchronization, assign the task to generic resources.

Deliverable: when created manually, i.e. not generated by a plan synchronization, select the ‘Responsible’ and the ‘Approvers’ among the generic resources.
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