Document Templates

Document Templates

In addition to standard documents such as issue reports or progress reports, Geniusproject provides a document template library in which to store predefined documents. 

The document template library is available in each 'Projects' module. However, it is possible to implement a centralized template library in a chosen 'Projects' module.

Document templates are available in the 'Setup & Administration' in the tab 'Templates', view 'Document templates' of the 'Projects' module and are usually managed by the application managers.

Each template is linked to a document type. Several 'document templates' can be of the same type. The various document types are defined in the Keywords & Labels setup document.

Basically, there are two types of document templates:

  • Templates with a customized form,
  • Templates with an attached document, such as Microsoft® Word or Excel.


Document Templates with Attachment

The following process explains how to create a template that includes attachments, provided that Genius Integrator is enabled.

  1. Open the Projects module Setup & Administration console, in the Templates tab, select the Document templates view .

  2. Click the New menu and select Document template.

  3. In the dialog box select the Standard value and click the OK button.

  4. Once the new template is open, select the Template type from the Type list.

  5. Fill in the template name. For instance, if the type is Meeting minutes, the name could be Weekly meeting we xx or Project status etc., depending on the purpose of the meeting.

  6. Fill in the Title; when a document is created from this template, the title of the document is initialized by the title of the template.

  7. Fill in the rich text section. (Optional.)

  8. Go to the Attachments section.

  9. Click the link Attach… to open the Attach file browser, select a document of any type and click the OK button. This can be done up to ten times.

  10. Save and close the document. 


Document Template with Customized Forms 

Creating aGeniusproject Template Document' that contains a customized data structure first requires to design the structure (ask your Genius consultant for this).

Geniusproject can contain as many subforms as needed to be used ‘n 'Document templates'. These subforms must all be named 'SubformTemplateXXX and are stored in a specific database that contains the predefined customizable elements.

Assuming that the required subform is designed and imported in Genius Project, the following two steps process explains how to create such a 'Document Template' in Genius Project.

Link the subform with Genius Project:

  1. In the Projects module Setup & Administration' console, in the Setup' tab, General view.

  2. Edit the Keywords & Labels setup document and go to the Templates subforms section; the document shows all available subforms and the Using name they have when enabled.

  3. Select the required subform (the Using name should be Disabled) and click  the corresponding radio button in the left margin.

  4. Click the Enable link at the bottom of the page.

  5. In the dialog box, fill in the name.

  6. Save and close the setup document.

  7. Now the specific subform is ready for implementation in a Document Template.

Create a document template using a specific subform:

  1. Open the Projects database.

  2. In the Projects module Setup & Administration console, in the tab Templates, view Document templates.

  3. Click on the menu [New > Document template].

  4. In the dialog box select the name set in step 5 in the process above and click the OK button.

  5. Once the new template is open, select the 'Template type' from the 'Type' list.

  6. Fill in the template name. For instance, if the type is 'Meeting minutes', the name could be Weekly meeting we xx or Project status, etc., depending on the purpose of the meeting.

  7. Fill in the Title; when a document is created from this template, the title of the document is initialized by the title of the template.

  8. Possibly pre-fill the fields

  9. Attach documents (See previous section.). (Optional.)

  10. Save and close the document.


Restricting Access to Document Templates

It is possible to restrict the access to a document template to a specific resource, a set of resources, groups, roles (which must then be assigned in each project), or a combination of all.

  1. Edit the Document template setup document.

  2. Go to the Access section.

  3. In the  Accessibility field, select Restricted.

  4. In the Resources/groups field, select the resources and/or groups that will have access to the template, if applicable.

  5. In the Roles field select the roles that will have access to the template, if applicable.

  6. If both Resources/groups and Roles fields are filled, then the logical operator must be chosen, either And or Or.

  7. Save and close the document.
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