

View and modify task details from a task card.

  • From navigation menu go to: Task > My tasks or All tasks

  • Click on the desired task to open Task card

  • Click on the Status on the right of the card to select task status from the options: Requested, In progress, Completed or Cancelled

  • Click on Start or End date to modify these

  • Click on the Priority to select task priority from the options: High, Medium or Low

  • Click on Dependency (will appear only in the case one exists from Gantt planning) to view what task this task is dependent on the completion of

  • Click on Edit next to Planned effort to modify the latter

  • Click on Edit time under any assignee to modify Reported time for that assignee (possible only when your project role permits)

  • Click on the Attachments tab of the task card to open view and/or upload/download attachments linked to the task

  • Click on the Progress tab of the task card to view the quantitative progress of the task in the form of planned vs reported values for labour and material effort and costs

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