Definition of Default Rates

Definition of Default Rates

When the number of resources is large, it becomes tedious to define and maintain the resource rates. We call those default rates, Resource rates, as opposed to, Company rates, which are designed for customer rates plans.  Don’t be confused, since “Resource default rate” can be defined by companies.  

Geniusproject therefore allows to define default rates as a combination of the criteria below:

  • Company / location
  • Resource type
  • Cost center

NoteDefinitions by cost center and by resource type are mutually exclusive.

Note 2: The Company drives the option “by Resource Type” or “by Cost Center.”

Note 3: In default rates, the “Company” corresponds to the organization a resource is working with.


Defaults rates are available in the Resource setup. Select the “Rates” tab, then “Default resources rates” in the left pane.

To add a new “Default resources rates”: 

  • Select “Create\Rate” then fill the form
  • First set the “Rate type” to “Resources”.
  • Fill in the fields to setup you default rate definition; “Currency” is mandatory.
  • Fill in the table rate by period and activity type (if enabled). 

Note: All fields but the Currency can remain empty, in order to define a default rate that apply to all resources.

Note 2: Default rate definitions are not mutually exclusive; when populating the rate of a resource, the system goes from the most specific definitions to the most general ones.



Rate type

Company or resource rate definition, select, “Resources.”


The company the rates will be applied to. 

If the field is left blank the rates will apply to all resources not associated to a specific company, and to resources associated to companies without a specific 'Rates' document. Single selection field.


The company location the rates will be applied to. An empty value means the rates will apply to all. Single selection field.

Note:  Be sure to save the document before proceeding to the next fields to insure the proper options are inherited from the selected company profile documents.

Resources types/Cost centers

Visible only if the 'Company' field is blank. Indicates whether rates are driven by resource type or the cost center.

Resource types

If the company specified in the Company and Location fields have ‘Resource type’ set in the rates management section of their company profile document, this field will be displayed; OR if the Company field is blank and ‘Resource type’ is selected in the field above, this field will be displayed; otherwise it is hidden. 

The selected option is the resource type the rates will be applied to. If the field is blank, then the rates will apply to all resources types without a unique rates document. 

Mono selection field.

The list of resource types comes from the General setup document.

Cost center

If the company specified in the Company and Location fields have ‘Cost center’ set in the rates management section of their company profile document, this field will be displayed; OR if the Company field is blank and ‘Cost center’ is selected in the field above, this field will be displayed; otherwise it is hidden. .

The selected option is the cost centers the rates will be applied to. The list cost centers is defined in the 'General' setup document.

If 'By default', then it will apply to all resources without cost center or with a cost center for which no 'Rates' document does exist. Mono selection' field.


The currency for the rates. Single selection field. The list of choices comes from the list of other currencies defined in the 'General' setup document.


Start date of the period. Rate definition will be in force at starting date, until next period, meaning starting date of the next row in the table. Forever if no next row is present.

By default Cost

Default internal cost.

By default Billed at

Default billing rate.

Activity Type X Cost

Appears only if multi-rate management is set to yes, definition of the internal cost of each activity type. If blank, default Cost will apply.

Activity Type X Billed

Appears only if multi-rate management is set to yes, definition of the billing rate of each activity type. If blank, default billing rate will apply.

Here’s an example of a default rate. According to the form below, resources working with “Genius Inside” in “Lausanne” will inherit the default rates defined in the grid.

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