Defining Charts (v10.xx)

Defining Charts (v10.xx)

To define a Cerri Chart:
  1. Navigate to the 'Setup & Administration' module in the relevant database.
  2. Click on the 'Charts' tab.
  3. Click the «New chart» button on the action menu bar.
  4. Fill out the Chart setup document that opens.

Chart tab




The title of the chart. Free text.


The main chart type. Single selection field. Options include:

  1. Columns
  2. Bars
  3. Lines
  4. Pie
  5. Doughnut
  6. Areas
  7. Stacked columns
  8. Bubble
  9. Scatter

Default: Columns.


The subtype depends on the main type.

Columns, Pie, Doughnut, Stacked columns offer 2D and 3D options. All others are in 2D.

Areas, Lines, Stacked columns, Scatter, and Bubble are always Multi-series.

Pie charts are always Mono-series.

Other types (Columns and Bars) can be Mono-series or Multi-series.




The dimensions (width x height) of the chart. Default: 750 x 350.


Defines where the chart will be available.


(Not available for Bubble or Scatter charts.

Specifies the data columns used for the chart series.

Note: If Mono-series, only one column is required.

Columns as lines

(Available for Columns 2D, Columns 3D and Stacked columns 3D). Displays selected columns as a Line chart overlay.

Columns as areas

(Available for Columns 2D). Displays selected columns as an 'Areas' chart overlay.

Filter and labels tab

Options tab

This section contains the main information about the chart data.



Percentages Indicates whether the columns contain percentages to ensure data is displayed correctly. Otherwise it will display the absolute value (0.25) instead of the percentage (25%)

Invert view sorting Visible when 'Data source' = 'View'. 'Yes' or 'No'.

Useful for chronological display.

Default: 'No'.

View Defines how the column data is processed in the chart:

- Values: Actual values displayed in the column.

- Counter: Counts documents per series (for example number of open issues).

Default: 'Values'.

Regroup data Visible only for 'Multi-series' charts:

- By columns: Series are based on the columns. - By lines: Series are based on the lines. Default: 'Columns'.

Display values 'Yes' or 'No'. Determines whether to display actual values on the chart.

Default: 'No'.

Numbers accuracy Defines decimal places for values. Default: 2.

Only browse the categories 'Yes' or 'No'. Defines whether only categories must

be considered or sub-entries too.

Sum the values Defines whether values should be summed up for each chart entry. Useful for S-curves.




To specify if and how the trend lines should be displayed in the chart,

- 'None': Trend lines not displayed.

- 'Lines': Trend lines displayed as lines.

- 'Zones': Trend lines displayed as zones.

- 'Function': A unique trend line is computed according to a formula or a predefined function.


The title of the computed trend line. Available only if 'View' is set to 'Function'. Free text.


The predefined function or a formula. Available only if 'View' is set to 'Function'. Free text. Options:

- GetProjectAvailabilities: Get the total availability per period for a given project.

- GetDepartmentAvailabilities: Get the total availability per period for a given cost center.

- GetPersonAvailabilities: Get the total availability per period for a given resource.

- GetResourceTypeAvailabilities: Get the total availability per period for a given resource type.

- GetOBSAvailabilities: Get the total availability per period for a given OBS entry

- GetResponsibleAvailabilities: Get the total availability per period for a given resource responsible.

The formula's format is the @Formula language (see the 'Lotus Domino Designer Help' for more information). The formula must return an array of values, one value for each entry in the chart. If the chart is filtered, a '%1' in the formula will be replaced by the value of the filter.




The title of the trend lines. Free text. Multiple values must be separated with a carriage return.


The start value of the trend lines. Number. Multiple values must be separated with a carriage return. To specify a percentage, input the absolute value (i.e. 0.5 for 50%).


The end value of the trend lines. Number. Multiple values must be separated with a carriage return. To specify a percentage, input the absolute value (i.e. 1 for 100%). If no end is specified for a trend line, it will be horizontal.


The color of the trend line, in hexadecimal format. Example: red = FF0000, green = 00FF00, blue = 0000FF, white = FFFFFF, black = 00000. If the chart type is 'Columns', then the columns that are over the value of a trend line will take the color of the trend line.

Drill Down
Allows a second chart to be displayed when clicking on the primary chart. The drill down chart will then be filtered depending on the value clicked on in the first chart.



Chart Specifies the chart that will open when upon clicking on the first chart.

Example: Clicking on a workload phase column opens a breakdown for that phase.

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