Create Custom Fields (v8.xx)

Create Custom Fields (v8.xx)

It is possible to customize Geniusproject with simple setup actions, to add fields and to create reports based on those fields. You need [Admin] access to do this.

Custom fields can be defined for any Geniusproject form as well "generic documents." The custom fields will be displayed in the "Customization" tab the corresponding forms. Custom fields are available in the Portfolio, Project and Resources databases.

You need Admin rights in order to create custom fields. Let’s take an example where we wants to add some information on any cost tracked in Geniusproject. We want to know if the cost was budgeted; if it is a one time or recurring fee; and some supplier information.

  • Access the admin module of the database you would like to add some custom fields

  • In the [Setup] tab, select the option "Additional fields" in the navigation contextual menu. Select the option [Create-Additional Fields] the action bar menu.

The form to define additional fields is displayed. The first thing to do is to specify for which forms, generic document or document template you want to add fields. For our example, we will choose "Cost."

Click on the icon to add a new field.

For each new field, define the Name, the Label, the type of filed, the corresponding option, the font size to be used to display the field and specify if the field should be mandatory.




Name of the additional field. Must be unique. Cannot contain any spaces.


Text string, displays as the field label.


[Text] = Free text entry, maximum of XX chars, displayed on one line.

[Long Text] = Free text entry, maximum of XX chars, displayed on several lines.

[Number] = Number format entry

[Date] = Date format entry with calendar widget [Mono Value list] = Single choice pick list

[Multi Value list] = Multiple choice pick list

[Switch] = Boolean value widget



RegX. Standard regulation expression for the validation of user input.

For instance, [0-9A-Z]{4} User must enter 4 chars and numbers and capital letters are admitted only

Long Text

Free text entry up to 240 chars.


Minimum and maximum values.


Minimum (not before) and maximum (not after) dates vales.

Mono-value list

List of possible values.

Multi-value list

List of possible values.


Text value if "Yes."

Text value if ""No."


Size of the font used to display the field.


Specify if the field is mandatory, Yes or No.


Click on to delete a field definition

It is also possible to group fields for an improved layout of the form display. Let’s create two groups, one for Cost information and a second one to group supplier information.

In the fields layout section click on the icon to add a new group. Enter a "Group title," the label of the group.

Select which fields should be part of the group.

Repeat this action for each group definition



Group title

Displays name of the group.


List of additional fields that are part of the group.

Clicking on will refresh the list of fields.


Specify if the field is mandatory, Yes or NO.


Click on to delete a group definition

Test the results of the additional field definition directly from the setup form. Go to the [Preview] tab of the "Additional fields" definition form, and see the results. If necessary press the « refresh preview » .

As a final test, create a new cost and check the contents of the [Customization tab].

Additional fields for Custom Documents (generic documents) will displayed directly above the Comment Box in the Content Tab.

New added fields are also directly available in the configurable views for reporting purposes.

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