As an alternative to basing rates on resource type, Geniusproject also offers the option of using cost centers. Each resource can be linked to one cost center.
Cost centers are defined in the General setup document of the [Resources] module. They can then be selected in the "Rates" section of each Resource document.
Once the cost centers are defined in the "Resource" documents, and the resources are published in all destination modules (see Resources administration), then the cost centers are automatically available in the [Timesheets] module.
Timesheet details
Expense report
Expense details
In the [Projects] module, the cost center is automatically available and used for calculation in the following documents:
Timesheet details
It is also possible to select the cost center in the Cost documents of the [Projects] module, with the exception of "Cost" documents created from the "Expense sheet" where the field "Cost center" is computed from the "Expense detail" document.
The cost centers could also be used in detailed Budgets to categorize budget lines.