Connect Microsoft Active Directory

Connect Microsoft Active Directory

Connect Cerri to your organisation’s MS Active Directory.

  • Go to: Avatar icon (upper-right corner of screen) > Edit profile

  • Click on Integrate with Microsoft Active Directory at the top right hand corner

  • In the popup, enter your MS account username and password to sign in

  • Pick the desired MS account you want to continue with

  • If you do not have permission to access your active directory organisation in Cerri, you can:
    Select to Sign in with your Admin account if you have one or request permission:
    – Select Return to the application without granting consent
    – Enter your Admin’s email address in the following popup to send your request
    – Your request status will now appear under your Cerri avatar icon

  • When your request is accepted by your Admin, or if you already have permission:
    – Click on Complete integration at the top right hand corner
    – Pick the MS account you want to continue with

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