Check Resource Availability (v8.xx)

Check Resource Availability (v8.xx)

Once your list of resources has been defined, project managers can now begin selecting their project teams. In order to avoid selecting resources that may already be scheduled to work on other projects, that may not have the proper skills or that may just be out of the office, Geniusproject offers a variety of charts and views that can help project managers make the best choices.

  1. Workload by resource, visualize resource workload

The "Workload by resource" view displays the total scheduled effort for each resource. This makes it easy to identify which resources are over utilized and which are being underutilized. Furthermore it is possible to display the details of workload assigned to a resource projects. It is also possible to display the details for each of the assignments made to a resource, per project.

To access the view:

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Workload by resource" from the contextual navigation menu on the left, in the "Resource utilization" section.

Note: The first column displays the "backlog" for the resource and it can be drilled down to the project level as well.

The action menu bar allows you to specify whether the data should be displayed by day, week or month.

  1. Resource workload details per project

It is possible to access a graphical representation of a resource’s workload on a project simply by clicking on the corresponding line item in the "Workload by resource" view.

Select "Resource" from the contextual navigation menu on the left.

Select a Project. The Resource open.

Maximum percentage

Indicates the percentage of work time the resource is available to work on projects (it only applies to worked days).


Period start and end, depending on the defined axis.


Indicate if the Resource is overloaded in the shown period.



In the example below we are seeing the workload assigned on the project.

  1. Workload by project, visualize projects planned workload

The "Workload by project" view displays workload categorized by project, making it easy to identify resource heavy projects. It is also possible to display the details for all of the assignments made to a project, by resource.

To access the view:

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Workload by projects" from the contextual navigation menu on the left, in the "Resource utilization" section.

Take note that the first column displays "backlog" per project which can be broken down further to display the assigned resources as well.

Note:  The action bar menu option allows you to change the display

  1. Check capacity by resource type

This view is one of the default resource capacity tracking views. Additional views can be defined through the setup.

The view "Capacity by resource type" displays remaining capacity sorted by resource type. 100% is equal to a resource who is available 100%. This view allows you to quickly identify under or over capacity for resources, sorted by type, across different projects.

To access the view:

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Capacity by resource type" from the contextual navigation menu on the left, in the "Resource capacity tracking" section.

The system displays the maximum capacity for each category (type of resource). This is equal to the sum of the maximum availability percentage for real resources of this type. For example: if you have two resources working at 100% and 80%, then the maximum capacity is 280%. The maximum capacity for an individual resource is defined in their profile document.

For each real or generic resource, the system displays the planned workload in %. This amount is a negative figure which will be deducted from the maximum capacity. The remaining capacity amount, displayed on the category (type) line, is the balance of maximum capacity for this resource type, minus planned workload.

This means that if the values are negative for a resource type, they are under capacity.

Note: The menu on the action allows you to change the display for the view.

  1. Check capacity by team

This view is one of the default resource capacity tracking views. Additional views can be defined in the setup.

A team is a group of resources with the same resource manager. The team’s name is that of the resource manager.

The "Capacity by team" view displays capacity categorized by team. 100% is equal to a resource that is available 100%. This view makes it easy to identify which teams are over or under utilized across the different projects.

To access the view:

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Capacity by team" from the contextual navigation menu, under the "Resource capacity tracking" section.

The behavior of this view is the same as that described above for the view "Capacity by resource type", except that capacity is consolidated by team (resource manager) instead of resource type.

Note: Be careful, a resource can have multiple people listed as their responsible and will therefore be considered several times.

  1. Check capacity by department

This view is one of the default resource capacity tracking views. Additional views can be defined in the setup.

The "Capacity by department" view displays remaining capacity by department. 100% is equal to a resource that is available 100%. This views makes it easy to identify the over and under utilization for an entire department across all projects.

To access the view:

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Capacity by department" from the contextual navigation menu on the left, in the "Resource capacity tracking" section.

The behavior of this view is the same as that described above for the view "Capacity by resource type", except that capacity is consolidated by department instead of resource type.

  1. Resource Charts & Dashboards

Geniusproject’s charts and dashboards provide a graphical representation of resource availability and overall workload and capacity for entire departments. The following charts are samples:

  1. The Genius Planner’s Workload Chart

Another way to check resource availability is to use the Workload chart included in Genius Planner. It is available at the bottom of the Genius Planner window and its timeline is synchronized with the Gantt chart at the top of the window.

The resource to examine is selected from the "Resource" drop down list.

The workload chart displays the following information for the selected resource:

  • All current and future task assignments and deliverables across all [Projects] modules.

  • Unavailability for worked days and percentage of availability (known as the "Global Unavailability").

  • Applicable public holidays.

Note: For more information see the chapter on the Gantt chart

  1. The resource plan

Geniusproject’s resource Gantt provides a graphical representation consolidating all of a resource’s assignments, across all projects, including public holidays and scheduled unavailabilities.

To access the view:

  • Navigate to the [Resources] tab.

  • Select "Workload by resource" from the contextual navigation menu on the left, under the "Resource utilization" section.

  • Select the resource you would like to see a plan for and open one of the availability detail records.

  • In the action bar of the availability record, select the option "View->Resource plan".

  • The system will display a Gantt chart including all planned items for the resource.

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