| Note: It is not possible to delegate the assignment to a resource already contributing to the task. |
Priority | The task priority (urgent, low, etc.). The list of choices comes from the "Keywords & Labels" setup document. |
Activity type | This field is used to categorize a task based on its activity type (for example: administration, building, supervision, etc.). The list of choices comes from the "Keywords & Labels" setup document. This activity type can be used in two places: In the budget structure, if activity type is defined as a budget axis. (see: Budget management). In the case of multi-rates management, different rates can be attributed to the resources based on activity type. See Budget & Cost Tracking for more information. |
Start | Planned: The planned start date, inherited from the task. The default planned start date is the creation date. Not editable. Actual: The value comes from the entries made by the assigned resources in their timesheets or directly here. |
End | Planned: The planned end date, inherited from the task. The default planned end date is one day after the creation date. Not editable. Actual: The value comes from the entries made by the assigned resources in their timesheets or directly here. |
Workload | Indicates the total planned, actual, remaining and EAC (Estimate At Completion) workload, the workload unit is specified in the "General" setup document. If the planned work is "0", the remaining work is always equal to '0'. |
Costs | Indicates the planned, actual, remaining and EAC (Estimate At Completion) cost. The currency is specified in the "General" setup document. The cost is obtained by multiplying the resource's rates by her/his workload. See Budget & Cost Tracking for more information. These fields are displayed in either of those cases: The user belongs to the project team and has the "View Costs" role. The user is NOT part of the excluded resources for financial information, as set in the "General" setup document. The user is an application manager (i.e. has the "COP_MANAGERS" role). |
Billable | Only visible if "Billing mode" is set to "Time spent". Indicates the planned, actual, remaining and EAC (Estimated At Completion) billable cost. The billable cost is obtained by multiplying the resource's billable rate by her/his workload. |