Microsoft Office Templates (Internet Explorer Only) (v8.xx)

Microsoft Office Templates (Internet Explorer Only) (v8.xx)

Geniusproject Microsoft Office® integration allows you to produce richly formatted Microsoft Word® or Microsoft Excel® documents using your project data. Depending on the template set-up, Genius Project is a project management software that will populate the document fields with corresponding project data a feature similar in concept to 'mail-merge'.

Geniusproject provides the ability to export valuable data directly from a view into a Microsoft® Excel template using the Genius Integrator tool. This makes it possible to use extracted Geniusproject data to create Microsoft® Excel charts, powerful reports using Microsoft® Excel pivot tables, as well as manipulate data for simulations.

In addition reports can be shared with individuals who do not have access to the Geniusproject application.

Note: Office Templates can only be used and configured with Internet Explorer. Other browsers, like Chrome, Firefox or Safari won't work.

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