Archiving is part of the project life cycle, and can be performed at any time, whatever the project status is. Data of existing projects is stored in a separate database either to backup a project or to archive completed projects.
It requires one to create an 'Archive' setup document in each 'Projects' module/database.
To create an 'Archive' setup document:
- Open the 'Setup & Administration' console of the concerned Project database/Module.
- In the Setup tab, General view, click the Create menu and select Archive setup.
- Fill in the Archive setup document.
- Save the document.
- Only one 'Archive' setup document can be created per Projects database/module.
Global Archiving
It is possible to proceed with a global archiving of a 'Projects' database:
- Open the Setup & Administration console of the concerned Project database/Module.
- Open the Archive setup document.
- Click the Actions menu and select Archive all the projects.
- This will copy all the projects in the database to the Archive database. But no project will be removed from the Projects database.
Archiving a Project
A project can be archived at any time. Once a project is archived, it can be restored at any time. See the principles of the Archiving process for more information.
To archive a project:
- Open the project description.
- Click the Actions menu and select Archive.

- A dialog box will open asking if you would like to delete the original project after it has been archived.

- Make your choice and click OK to archive.