Apply a project template to an existing project (v8.xx)

Apply a project template to an existing project (v8.xx)

Geniusproject allows you to combine multiple project templates to create a new project.

  • Open the project description.

  • Place the document into edit mode by clicking "Edit" on the [Action] menu bar.

  • Click "Actions" on the menu bar and select "Import a template" from the drop down menu.

  • A dialog box will open displaying the list of available project templates.

  • If the selected template also includes sub-projects, the system will ask if you would like to select the sub-projects as well.

Note: This action can be done as many times as necessary. The amount of projects that can be compiled to create a new project is unlimited.

Note: The system does not consolidate project plans; there will be as many Gantt charts as selected projects.
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